Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki, Part II


Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Robinson: S62.19

Number: 46

Description: Kido Takuzaemon Nagachika (木戸宅左衛門長近) bareheaded in armor holding a heavy metal bar

Historical character: Kido Sakuzaemon Norishige





Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62.19), No


Another state of the above design

Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Print from an unnumbered edition of this series


S62.20 probably does not exist*


Robinson: S62.21

Number: 49

Description: Ko-ayakawa Sayemon-no-suke Takakane (小綾川左エ門佐高兼) seated with court dress over his armor

Historical character: Kobayakawa Takakage





Robinson: S62.22

Number: 18

Description: Matsunaga Daizen Hisahide (松永大膳久英) kneeling on a fur, about to commit seppuku

Historical character: Matsunaga Danjô Hisahide



Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Robinson: S62.23

Number: 16

Description: 16-year-old Menju Sôsuke Iyeteru (毛受想助家照) retrieving the gohei standard of Katsuie which had been seized by the enemy

Historical character: Menju Shôsuke Ieteru




Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Robinson: S62.24

Number: 42

Description: Nagamura Bunkasai Michiie (永村文荷蔡道家), bareheaded in armor, having just broken a pottery vessel against the wall

Historical character: Nakamura Bunkasai



Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Robinson: S62.25

Number: taibi (final, i.e. 50)

Description: Naka-ura Sarukichirô Hisayoshi (中浦猿吉郎久吉) accepting a melon from a kneeling peasant

Historical character: Toyotomi Hideyoshi



Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Robinson: S62.26

Number: 26

Description: Negoro no Komizucha (根来小水茶) dressed as a warrior-monk, fighting with a long nail-studded club

Historical character: Negoro-no Komizucha


Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Another state of the above design


Robinson: S62.27

Number: 23

Description: Orio Mosuke Yasuharu (織尾茂助安春), as a youth, overcoming a huge wild boar

Historical character: Horio Mosuke Yoshiharu


NOTE: The illustrated example is from an unnumbered edition



Robinson: S62.28

Number: 1 ()

Description: Ôta Kazusa no Suke Taira no Harunagakyô (大多上总總介平春永公) in court robes with a tachi (long sword) in a tiger skin sheath

Historical character: Oda Nobunaga


NOTE: The illustrated example is from an unnumbered edition



Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Robinson: S62.29

Number: 40

Description: Sada Mutsu no Kami Arimasa (佐田陸奥守有正) on horseback in the snow

Historical character: Sassa Narimasa



Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Robinson: S62.30

Number: 36

Description: Saitô Kuranoshin Toshikazu (菜籐内藏之進年員) raising his straw hat against the wind

Historical character: Saitô Kuranosuke Toshimitsu


Another state of the above design

Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


A partially printed sheet of the above design

Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Robinson: S62.31

Number: 48

Description: Saitô Toshimoto Nyûdô Ryûhon (菜籐利基入道立本), in armor, struggling with a Chinese warrior underwater

Historical character: Saitô Toshimitsu nyûdô Ryûhon



Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Another state of the above design


Yet another state

Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Robinson: S62.32

Number: 6 ()

Description: Saitô Uhyôe-no-tayû Katsuoki (菜藤右兵衛大夫勝興) cutting flying arrows with his sword

Historical character: Saitô Uheenotayû Tatsuoki




Robinson: S62.33

Number: 4 ()

Description: Saitô Yamashiro no Kami Hidetatsu Nyûdô Jôsan (菜籐山城守秀龍入道乗三) standing in court robes with a straw hat and a tachi (long sword) in a tiger skin scabbard

Historical character: Saitô Toshimasa nyûdô Dôsan



Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Another state of the above design



Robinson: S62.34

Number: 41

Description: Sakurai Takichi Kiyokazu (櫻井多吉清) wearing a sashimono adorned with black circles surrounding the character (sakigake, leader)

Historical character: Sakurai Sakichi Iekazu



Kuniyoshi - Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki (S62


Robinson: S62.35

Number: 24

Description: Sama-no-suke Fujiwara no Yasuakira (左馬之助藤原保明) in armor wearing a haori and carrying a jûmonji spear

Historical character: Katô Samanosuke Yoshiaki




“Robinson” refers to listing in Kuniyoshi: The Warrior-Prints by Basil William Robinson (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1982) and its privately published supplement. 


* Somerwil, Johan, ‘Kuniyoshi’s Taiheiki Series: 50 or 51 Prints?’, Andon, No. 78, pp. 26-29, 2005


